YAMATE SEIYOUKAN exhibition December 2024横浜山手西洋館世界のクリスマス 2024
The exhibition
First floor:
Dining room: Gabriele Wagner-Kubo
Sun room: Manabu Hashiguchi
Piano room: Manabu Hashiguchi

The theme
We chose "WALDWEIHNACHT" as our theme. Under the big theme of "German Christmas", we want to focus on the quietness of a wintery forest.
In the forest” we can experience the calm silence that Christmas brings.
We take the forest in the form of a Christmas tree or wreath, the fragrance of forest in form of twigs and pines, into our houses. Christmas decorations connects our home and nature.
Decoration point:
Pay attention to the characteristic colour combinations of candles, twigs and greens. See how to decorate a German Family Christmas tree, how to make wreathes and to decorate them.
Please find the handmade attributes in our decorations.
「森」の中で私たちはクリスマスが運んできてく れる穏やかな静けさを体験できるでしょう。
私たちは「森」をクリスマスツリーの形やリース の形として、「森」の香りを枝やマツカサによっ て家の中へ持ち込みます。クリスマスの飾りは 私たちの家と自然を結びつけるものです。
クリスマスに特徴的な色の組み合わせに注目してください。キャンドル、実物、枝やグリーン。 ドイツのクリスマスツリーの飾り方、リースの作 り方や飾り方。私たちの手作業による装飾をど うぞご覧ください。
Impressions from the dining room

photo by Kazuhiro Yokomizo
The tree.
In a classic German setting, the Christmas tree gets set on the 24th of December, the family gets to see it on the eve for the first time.
The bell rings, the door opens, real candles are lit, the window is open, the angels just flew out.
Under the tree, a native scene is set.
We listen to the Christmas story and sing together, before the presents get opened.
I take care to use "real" decorations. Real pine cones, glass picea cones, bees wax candles, wooden stars.
As Christmas Eve is a family gathering, I prefer the "family tree" with its collection of many various decorations to the stylish trees.

photo by Kazuhiro Yokomizo
The dining table.
On a night blue velvet table cloth, you can admire the most elaborate design in the history of Rosenthal porcelaine: the "Zauberfloete" series, designed by Bjoern Wiinblad in 1968. It's delicate golden rim shows figures out of the Mozart opera, so much resembling to Christmas angels.
I combined it with the "Moon White" tea pot, saucer and creamer, designed by Jasper Morrison in 1997. Rosenthal Japan got these sent from Germany exclusively for the exhibition.
Adding the "Junto" series in turquoise blue asked for some courage, but it built the natural underlining for the "Zauberfloete" as I imagined. The "Junto" has a slightly asymmetric, therefore natural outline. "Junto" received the German Design Award in 2018.
The 2 different settings are meant for a setting of 4 people, 2 parents, 2 children.
I am glad, that I was allowed to set the porcelaines in an unclassic way, loosely distributed into the forest scenery.