The tree.
In a classic German setting, the Christmas tree gets set on the 24th of December, the family gets to see it on the eve for the first time.
The bell rings, the door opens, real candles are lit, the window is open, the angels just flew out.Under the tree, a native scene is set. We listen to the Christmas story and sing together, before the presents get opened.
I take care to use "real" decorations. Real pine cones, glass picea cones, bees wax candles, wooden stars.
As Christmas Eve is a family gathering, I prefer the "family tree" with its collection of many various decorations to the stylish trees.
Loads to say about the tree.
I need to write that book.
Photo by Kazuhiro Yokomizo.
The tree is located at the Ehrismann residence in Yokohama, Yamate.