the most beautiful key to the world.
connecting their colors, adding to their beauty is what I do and what I want to share with you

The ECO lessons are all about structures. Covers, manteaux, bunches, all out of natural materials and all can be re-used or recycled.
The ECO lessons are highly creative and are more or less workshops, where we influence each other and discuss new ways for sustainable flower designs.
Price is 15.000 + tax
Place is the Chigasaki studio. Online participation is possible.

The COLOR lessons are all about colors, you would think.
But no, they are about color combinations and color theories, of course, but they are mostly about how to increase our width. How to increase the ability to find new combinations. In the flowers themselves, in other fields, in landscapes and finally inside of ourselves.
Price is 15.000 + tax including text material.
Place is the Chigasaki studio. Online participation is possible.