Hana Ami Blumenschule

The Hana Ami Blumenschule is a collection of 144 European flower design items, from basic round bouquets right up to floral objects.
Students can study in 4 courses all major flower design themes, forms, natural designs, crossing style, winding style, structural and textural designs, Christmas wreathes, Easter baskets, Jugendstil, Baroque, and many more.
Instructors study in the Instructor courses the same items with more information, achieving a teaching license, and gaining access to a support system and a group of dedicated teachers.
These are 10 out of 144 themes:
The Hana Ami Blumenschule was founded 1995 by Kazumasa Kubo and me. We created these 144 items on the background of my profound knowledge as a master florist graduated from the "Staatliche Fachschule fuer Blumenkunst" Weihenstephan, and of Kazumasa's experience with teaching American flower design for many years.
The Gestaltungsschema
The Hana Ami Blumenschule is based on the Gestaltungsschema, the design scheme, which we developed together with Rikuyosha Publishing.
A scheme is a tool of theories and design rules to explain any possible design with flowers.
We presented the Schema in our first book in 1996, it had a huge success in Japan with 6 times getting reprinted. It still has wide influence on the teaching world here.
The Hana Ami Blumenschule curriculum is now used in our branch schools all over Japan. We recommend it to anybody who wants to open up a flower design school with a European style curriculum. We also recommend adding it as a special study course to your already existing course line up.

I am leading the school right now as the main head master Kazumasa Kubo is so busy with new projects.
He continues of course to teach the items as a top-level Hana Ami Blumenschule Meister Instructor!
Me, while of course teaching the contents I created together with him, am also focusing on keeping the system up to date with clean texts and an array of licensing tools, as member cards, point cards, diplomas and test sheets.
Planning and working on an English Blumenschule version right now!
I am also in charge of the SNS: keeping the homepage in shape, posting on FB and on Instagram.
Take a look!
I am very well-supported at the Blumenschule by our team of Meister Instructors and Professional Instructors, who network well together.
Joining the Hana Ami Blumenschule Instructors group also means to meet a bunch of talented and dedicated flower designers and floral instructors. Lots of fun at their gatherings! The instructors are organized in the Hana Ami Instructors Society HAIS.
All in all, quite a lot to do for me at the Blumenschule, but it is one of my babies and one day, it will be grown enough to stand on its own feet! It does already quite well!